Happy New Year… from the team at True Blue Roofing
February 3, 2020Happy New Year and Hello 2020! I know its a rather late welcome to the new year but as they say… it’s better late than never! Its been a nuts start to the year on the metal roofing, architectural metal cladding and sheet metal fabrication front here at True Blue Roofing and now the kids are back at school (hip hip hooray) it’s full steam ahead in the office and workshop!
We have welcomed some new “supervisory” recruits to the True Blue Roofing team, in the form of a pair of Tawny Frogmouths who are sure to instill some wisdom on the shed goings on.
One of my all time favourite Australian native birds. They seem to like checking out the status of the ladders and lighting on a daily basis whilst pretending to be trees when spotted in action. Its fair to say we love the addition to the team.
We have been flat out fabricating and installing custom architectural standing seam panels for a wall cladding project featuring Colorbond in Colorbond Monument which still seems to be the colour of choice going strong in 2020. Will this colour ever go out of fashion? We don’t think so.
- New Roofing Recruits join the True Blue Roofing team
- Tawny Frogmouths join the True Blue Roofing crew
We are continuing to service Geelong, Melbourne, The Bellarine and The Surf Coast in all aspects of metal Roofing and metal Wall cladding applications. We can help with any and all of the following services;
- New Roofing and Reroofing (Tile to metal roof conversions) – in Colorbond, Colorbond Matt, Zincalume, Galvanised Iron, VM Zinc, Rhein Zinc… the list goes on.
- Architectural Cladding Fabrication. We are able to fabricate in our workshop all architectural metal cladding systems eg. Single Lock Standing Seam, Double Lock Standing Seam, Interlocking panel, Flat Lock etc. Supply and/or install for roofing or walling applications
- Wall Cladding installation
- Custom Flashings Fabrication – quick turnaround, competitive prices – contact us today!
- Whirly bird installation
- Gutters and Downpipes
If you have a roofing or wall cladding project on the go in 2020, you should contact us today! It’s always good to get in the pipeline early!